AUTOSAR Compendium Part 2 – Basic Software & MCAL
The AUTOSAR Compendium – Part 2 covers the Basic Software & Microcontroller Abstraction Layer (MCAL) part of the AUTOSAR 4.2 specification. It explains the functionality of the Basic Software Modules and their configuration Parameters. The structure of the book corresponds to the Basic Software Layers and their functional Groups, down to the single Basic Software Modules:
1. Services Layer
- System ServicesCOM Manager (ComM)
BSW Mode Manager (BswM)
Crypto Service Manager (Csm)
ECU State Manager (EcuM)
Synchronized Time-Base Manager (StbM)
Watchdog Manager (WdgM)
OS - Diagnostic Services (as part of System Services)Diagnostic Log and Trace (DLT)
Development Error Tracer (Det)
Diagnostic Event Manager (Dem)
Function Inhibition Manager (FiM) - Memory Services
NVRAM Manager (NvM) - Communication Services
CAN Network Management (CanNm)
CAN State Manager (CanSM)
CAN Transport Layer (CanTp)
COM (Com)
Ethernet State Manager (EthSM)
FlexRay AUTOSAR Transport Layer (FrArTp)
FlexRay ISO Transport Layer (FrTp)
FlexRay Network Management (FrNm)
FlexRay State Manager (FrSM)
IPDU Multiplexer (IpduM)
LIN Network Management (LinNm)
LIN State Manager (LinSM)
Network Management Interface (Nm)
PDU Router (PduR)
SAE J1939 Transport Layer (J1939Tp)
Socket Adaptor (SoAd)
UDP Network Management (UdpNm)
XCP (Xcp)
Debugging (Dbg)
Diagnostic Communication Manager (Dcm)
2. ECU Abstraction Layer
- Communication HW Abstraction
CAN Interface (CanIf)
CAN Tranceiver Driver (CanTrcv)
Ethernet Interface (EthIf)
Ethernet Transceiver Driver (EthTrcv)
FlexRay Interface (FrIf)
FlexRay Tranceiver Driver (FrTrcv)
LIN Interface (LinIf)
LIN Transceiver Driver (LinTrcv)
TTCAN Interface (TtcanIf) - Memory HW Abstraction
Memory Abstraction Interface (MemIf)
Flash EEPROM Emulation (Fee)
EEPROM Abstraction (Ea) - Onboard Device Abstraction
Watchdog Interface (WdgIf) - I/O HW Abstraction
IO HW Abstraction
3. Microcontroller Abstraction Layer (MCAL)
- Communication Drivers
CAN Driver (Can)
Ethernet Driver (Eth)
FlexRay Driver (Fr)
LIN Driver (Lin)
TTCAN Driver (Ttcan)
SPI Handler Driver (Spi) - I/O Drivers
ADC Driver (Adc)
DIO Driver (Dio)
ICU Driver (Icu)
PWM Driver (Pwm)
Port Driver (Port) - Memory Drivers
EEPROM Driver (Eep)
Flash Driver (Fls)
RAM Test (RamTst)
Flash Test (FlsTst) - Microcontroller Drivers
Core Test (CoreTst)
GPT Driver (Gpt)
MCU Driver (Mcu)
Watchdog Driver (Wdg)
4. Complex Device Drivers